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Microscopic examination of the smear from vagina, cervical canal and urethra 550
Microscopic examination of a smear from vagina and cervical canal 550
Microscopic examination of a smear from vagina and urethra 350
Microscopic examination of smear from cervical canal 320
Microscopic examination of a smear from vagina 320
Microscopic examination of a smear from urethra For woman 320
Smear from vagina with Gram staining (with an assessment by Nugent scale) 640
Smear from cervical canal and vagina with a Gram staining (with an assessment by Nugent scale) 800
Microscopic examination of prostate gland secretion 550
Microscopic examination of urethra smear in men 550
Microscopic examination of a smear from a prepuce 320
Cytological examination of ascitic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, contents of cysts 990
Cytological diagnosis of Scraping s / skin prints, wound surfaces, fistulas, ulcers and erosions. 880
Cytological diagnosis of punctate thyroid gland 880
Cytological diagnosis of mammary glands 880
Cytological diagnosis of punctate lymph nodes 820
Cytological examination of uterine cavity aspirate 800
Cytological examination of endoscopic material 820
Cytological examination of intraoperative material 820
Examination of sputum and urine for atypical cells 960
Cytological diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system 960
Cytological study with the conclusion on the terminological system Bethesda (with a description of the cytogram), 1 glass, color according to Leishman 720
Cytological study with a conclusion on the terminology system Bethesda (with a description of the cytogram), 2 glasses, color according to Leishman 960
Cytological study with a conclusion on the terminology system of Bethesda (with a description of the cytogram), 1 glass, PAP test 1760
Cytological study with a conclusion on the terminology system Bethesda (with a description of the cytogram), 2 glasses, PAP test 2240
Cytological study with the conclusion on the terminological system Bethesda (without the description of the cytogram), 1 glass, coloring according to Leishman 720
Cytological study with the conclusion on the terminology system Bethesda (without the description of the cytogram), 2 glasses, coloring according to Leishman 1040