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General medical manipulations
Washing of tonsil lacunae with the help of vacuum devices 1900
Removal of foreign bodies of the ENT organs (nose, pharynx, larynx, auditory meatus) 1320
Instrumental removal tonsillolith ( Tonsil stones) 1320
Endoscopyic diagnostic of the nose and nasopharynx 4180
Diagnostic endoscopy of the larynx and pharynx 4180
Diagnostic endoscopy of the ear 4180
Postoperative debridement of ENT organs 1320
Vacuum-assisted drainage of paranasal sinuses according to Proetz 1320
Lateroposition (on one side) of the nose. shells 2310
Treatment of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis by radio wave method 13500
Removal of mucus from the nose ( Proed and Zanderman ) 385
Coagulation during nasal bleeding 1320
Interior nasal tamponade for bleeding 960
Posterior tamponade of the nasal cavity 1540
Removing the tampon after tamponade of the cavity 770
Washing the lacunae of the tonsils 1500
Sanitation and revision of the wound after opening the paratonsillar abscess, cysts of the tonsils and boils 2310
Research of hearing with tuning forks 770
Audiometry 960
Tympanometry (impedance measurement) 1500
Audiological examination 2640
Determination of the patency of the Eustachian tube 385
Blowing out the auditory tubes according to Politzer 770
Washing of the tympanic cavity (attic) and the ear canal 1160
Removing the sulfur plug 1000
Eardrum massage 480
Puncture in / maxillary sinus from the 1st side 3870
Catheterization of the auditory tubes with the introduction of medication(1 side) 1930
Toilet of the external auditory canal 480
Anemization 700
Eardrum paracentesis 3800
Primary surgical debridement of ENT localization wounds 3800
Removal of benign neoplasms of the ENT organs 3800
Biopsy of neoplasms of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, ear 3800
Uvulotomy 8800
Lancing of almond cysts 1200
Opening of a boil (nose, ear) 1 unit 3800
Excision of synechiae of the nasal cavity (on one side) 3520
Tympanotomy (one side) 4200