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Massage of the prostate, seminal vesicles 960
Massage of the prosthetic gland 960
Massage urethra on direct bougie 1155
Bougienage urethra (m) 1900
Bougienage urethra (f) 1320
Bougienage ureter 9680
Change of urinary drainage 1155
Change of Pecceter Catheter 1155
Catheterization of the urinary bladder (For woman) 1500
Catheterization of the bladder (For men) 1155
Catheterization of ureters (For woman) 2090
Catheterization of ureters (For men) 2310
Installation permanent catheter in bladder 1155
Catheterization of posterior urethra( with instillation) For men 1320
Tamponade of the front urethra by Vashkevich 960
Cystoscopy for men 4180
Cystoscopy for woman 5000
Urethroscopy 3410
Diaphanoscopy 570
Ureteroscopy 9680
Uroflowmetry 1540
Uroflowmetry( With use of Lasix furosemid) 1600
Installation of a stent catheter in the urinary tract 4840
Seedling of the seed tubercle 1540
Application of medicine with a cotton bud or a swab to the neck of the bladder (Woman) 1155
Removal of ureteral stent (woman) 5800
Removal of ureteral stent (man) 7700
Correction of paraphimosis 1650
Shock wave lithotripsy of upper urinary tract and kidneys 570
Shock wave lithotripsy of bladder and prostate 570
Treatment of chronic diseases of the prostate gland, urethra, penis (electron-laser apparatus), 1 session 1155
Treatment of andrological diseases by the method of positive negative pressure on the penis using laser perineal irradiation, 1 session 1155
Conservative removal of adhesions of the prepuce 2310
Postoperative debridement of prepuce bag 1155
Erectile Dysfunction Test 570
Retrograde cystometry (one study) 960
Treatment of acute priapism 13500
Washing of tamponade of the bladde 8690
Removal of the epididymis cyst 20000
Urethral meatotomy 8700
Excision of the testicular membranes (hydrocele) 19360
Plastic surgery of the frenum of the foreskin 13050
Excision of the urethral polyp 13500
Circumcision 30000
Drainage of male genital abscess 4800
Ligation and transection of the testicular vein (according to Marmar, Ivanisevich, Palomo) 34800
Excision of the paraurethral cyst 9680
Vasoresection 32890
Excision of eversion of the urethral mucosa 23200
Removal of a foreign body from the urinary tract 1730
Prostate biopsy 3870
Polyfocal prostate biopsy 17400
Urethral biopsy 4840
Bladder biopsy 4840
Ureteral biopsy 29000
Scrotal biopsy 9680
Percutaneous puncture biopsy of the kidneys, retroperitoneal formations 38720
Puncture of the kidney (kidney cysts) 13500
Cystostomy 34800
Removal of urethral stones 19360
Scrotum revision 19360
Excision of a neoplasm (cyst) of the male genital organs 38720
Excision of Urachus 38720
Removal of the epididymis 29000